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Second Quarter ’08 Update

Folks who like their adventure high and wild – especially when it comes from the pages of the pulp magazines of yesteryear – know the name Doc Savage, the Man of Bronze, whose over-the-top tales from the ’30s and ’40s pulps found a whole new audience decades later as paperback novels (and, in fact, continue… Read More »Second Quarter ’08 Update

First Quarter ’08 Second Update

My webmaster and cyberspace advisor, Jonathan Wooley, having educated me recently about the importance of website blogging, has now advised me that it’s a good idea not only to regularly add links to other websites, but also to write a bit about the linkees. With that in mind, here’s a little something about the folks… Read More »First Quarter ’08 Second Update

First Quarter ’08 Update

If you happen to be interested in Oklahoma-related movies and music, you might want to check out a couple of newly released articles penned by your faithful (sort of) correspondent. The current issue of Fangoria, No. 270, carries the story of my visit to the set of Soul’s Midnight, a vampire film starring Armand Assante… Read More »First Quarter ’08 Update

Fourth Quarter ’07 Update

So my webmaster son, Jonathan, who is a 23-year-old filmmaker and hip to these sorts of things, tells me the other day that if I don’t start doing a little more blogging in this space no one’s going to visit any more. I have to tell you that I’m fairly reticent to plunge into this… Read More »Fourth Quarter ’07 Update

03 JULY ’07

“You have to be sentimental to be sensitive to impressions of terror, mystery, or the occult. After all, sentimentality is nothing more or less than an overactive imagination, a tendency to try to dramatize impressions.”- FREAKS director Tod Browning, quoted in BELA LUGOSI: DREAMS AND NIGHTMARES by Gary D. Rhodes with Richard Sheffield (Collectables, 2007)… Read More »03 JULY ’07


I’d rather take a chance on being called cornball than to die a wise ass.” — Jim Harrison The other day, my webmaster and older son (not necessarily in that order) told me that it was past time to update my website, reminding me gently that it was easier to do it now that he’d shown me how I didn’t have to go… Read More »Cornball

An Artist Is His Own Fault

“An artist is his own fault.” — John O’Hara If you think you haven’t heard from me in a while, you’re right. I’ve been off paving the road to hell with good intentions, which is a dirty job, and pretty hot as well — not to mention clichéd. The good intentions here refer to my… Read More »An Artist Is His Own Fault

A Year Passes Like Nothing

Well, as the Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers used to say, a year passes like nothing. (For you youngsters not hip to the underground comics of the ’60s and ’70s, the Freak Bros. were characters created and drawn by the great Gilbert Shelton, who also gave the world Wonder Wart Hog.) Actually, it hasn’t been quite… Read More »A Year Passes Like Nothing